




4 Apr 2023                     contact:brooke@bloomsofparadise.com

Lilo Graces Blooms of Paradise With Her Obsessive Cattention To Detail

New Hire Provides Furtile Insight

Bringing her 3 years of purrfect floral catsperience, Lilo specialises in quality assurance. An innovator at heart, she has always envisioned a pawsitive future north of her native Yanceyville, North Carolina. As such, she is a meowvelous fit to serve as Purrector of Innovation and Chief Quality Assurance Supurrvisor.

“I nao I haz big paws to fill. While I can never replace Socks Tomasdottir, I have a certain cachet which two leggers find really hard to resist. Nothing is impawsible with determination.”

Lilo can haz strong opinions about contemporary art. According to founding designer BWS Johnson, a porcelain statue and eclectic wearable catankerously suffered ill fates after Lilo deemed them just clawful. “She is a tough but ultimately fair and tasteful juror. Her discerning presence is a most welcome addition to our boutique.”

Indeed, this candid photograph taken during a tranquil meowment proves she is settling in quite nicely.

While her catsperience is purrdominately derived from her formative years at the Humane Society, Lilo did a brief stint at Mount Purrnon Cat Cafe. At the latter she developed the furtitude to manage large teams that would petrify lesser felines.

Lilo’s love of nature is undeniable. She can often be found perched in her plush cat bed overlooking the grounds of Parkfairfax.

For further information or to place an order contact brooke@bloomsofparadise.com or text 571.225.7335.